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A network is a collection of computers and other electronic devices connected via a communication devices and media such as Modems,Satellites and Telephone lines.
But this time we are looking at the world's largest network which is the INTERNET(Internetional Network),which is a world wide collection of network that links millions of Government offices,Educational Institutions and individuals together.
Many still believes that the internet was invented and owned by private organisation.This is not true as the invention of the internet is the collective efforts of Students,Scientists,Businessmen,Researchers,each contributing at different time as the need arises.Lets now take a tour to how the internet came to be.


Leonard Kleinrock of Massachusetts Institute of technology(MIT) in July 1961,published the first paper on PACKET SWITCHING which is a technology that breaks up data into bits to enable it travel via a computer network.Packet switching purpose was to allow more than one user to send text message over the computer at a time.
Closely in 1962,J.C.R Licklider presented his notion about GALACTIC NETWORK.This involves the collections of computers in a huge network,to allow each computer access to data and programmes of eah other.
This development earned Mr.J.C.R Licklider the headship of the Defense Advanced Researcher Projects Agency(ARPA).ARPA'S goal was to build a network that:(1) Would allow scientist at different locations to share information and collaborate on millitary and scientific projects and (2)Could function evenif part of the network were disabled or distroyed by a disaster,such as a nuclear war.
Leonard Kleinrock's notion of PACKET SWITCHING and J.C.R Licklider's notion of GALACTIC NETWORK was amalgamated and ARPANET became functional in September 1969,effectively linking together scientific and academic researchers in the United states.
The ARPANET was a wide area network(WAN) consisting of four main computers,one each located at the University of califonia at Los Angeles,the Stanford reasearch Institute,the Univrsity of California at Santa Barbara,and the University of Utah.
The base line of this polemic thus makes us understand that the internet as we have it today was conceived in the womb of the United states intelligence/Millitary exigencies.


  • The term world wide web (www) and the internet are interchangeably used by many people today.
    The world wide web (www)is just one of the many services available on the internet.The world wide web (WWW)is actually a relatively new aspect of the internet.While the internet was developed in the late 1960's,the world wide web came into existence in the early 1990's.since then,however, it has grown to become the most widely used service on the internet.It is simply the collections of multimedia documents and files.(documents and files that uses multiple methods,i.e data sounds and pictures.
    These documents and files are connected with Hyperlink.These hyperlinks called links,allow users to navigate quickly from one document to another,regardless whether the documents are located on the the same computer or a different one from a different country.

    A web page is an electronic document on the web site,it can contain text,graphics,sound and video,as well as links to another web page(s).A collection of web pages you can access electronically is known as a Website.
    Most website has a starting point called Home page.And every web page on a web site has a unique address called Uniform resource locator(URL).

    A home page is a web page that is displayed each time you open a web browser.A home page is similar to a book cover or table of content for the web site and provides information about the site.

    A uniforn resource locator is a unique address on a web site that consist of protocol,a domain name and sometimes a path to a specific web page.Most web page URL's begins with http:// an acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.


The apple iMac personal computer came with an instruction mannual that consists of just 6 pictures and 36 words ,allowing the computer to live up to the sales pitch that the user can just take it out of box and plug it.


Happy or Smile :) :-) (: (-:
Sad or Frown :( :-(
Wink ;) ;-)
Big Grin :D :-D
Batting Eyelashes ;;)
Confused or Puzzeled :-/ :-
Love Struck or Heart :x :X :-x :-X
Blushing or Embarrased :">
Tounge :P :p :-P :-p
Kiss :*
Shock or Open Mouth :O :o
Angry X-( x( X-( x-(
Smug or Grin :> ->
Cool or Shades B-)
Worried :-s
Devilish >:)
Crying :(( :-((
Laughing :)) :-))
Straight Face or Neutral :| :-|
Raised Eyebrow /:)
Angel or Halo 0:)
Nerd or Glasses :-B :B :b :-B
Talk to the Hand =;
Sleeping I-) I-| i-) i-|
Rolling Eyes 8-|
Sick :-&
Shhhh :-$
Not Talking or Cold Shoulder [-(
Clown :o) :O) :0) <@:)
Silly 8-}
Tired (:|
Drooling =P~
Thinking :-?
D'Oh! #-o
Applause =D>
Pig :@)
Cow 3:-O 3:O 3:w 3:-)
Monkey :(|)
Chicken ~:>
Rose @};-
Good Luck %%-
Flag **==
Apple (~~)
Coffee (or Tea) ~o)
Idea or Lightbulb *-:)
Skull 8-X
Alien 1 =:)
Alien 2 >-)
Frustrated :-L
Cowboy <):)
Praying [-o<
Hypnotized @-)
Money Eyes $-)
Whistling :-"
Liar Liar :^o
Beat Up b-(
Peace :)>-
Shame On You [-X
Dancing :D/
Hugs >:D<